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Innovative Products Designed
with care of the environment
in mind
“Progress is impossible
without change, and those
who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.”
- George Bernard Shaw

Réalt Paper Merchants, Swords
Social Responsibility
In Réalt, we take environmental issues
very seriously. Réalt is a Repak Member &
we have signed up to their Plastic Pledge.
It is important that our customers see
and know we are taking steps to fulfil our environmental obligations.
The aim is to continue making changes throughout 2019 within and outside of our organisation in order to positively impact
our environment.

Plastic Pledge
Over 10,000 Tonnes of Plastic
Waste Avoided Thanks to ‘Plastic Pledge’
– Minister Bruton

Two Sides
Myth - Paper is bad for the environment
Fact - Paper is one of the truly
sustainable products

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